Hello 2021|| 5 Things I Want To Achieve This Year

Happy new year to you! If I could describe 2020 in one word, it would be; overwhelming.

A virus broke out and our lives were put on hold. Although we are still in the middle of a pandemic and it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon, things have loosened up a bit and it seems like life is becoming a new type of normal.

With most of our lives put on hold for almost the whole of 2020, I honestly did not achieve much.

Most of us enter a new year with certain goals we want to achieve, and last year, I wasn’t an exception. But with everything that happened, I wasn’t able to achieve much. If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you might have noticed that I have been a bit inconsistent with publishing articles and it’s honestly not my fault, Final year in the university isn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be but that’s a story for another day (anticipate my regular University diary series; Student Life|| The Final Chapter).

I am currently on Christmas/New Year holiday from school and I don’t even know when we are resuming, due to the rising COVID cases in Nigeria and it seems like we might be going back on lockdown soon.

2020 has passed now and this is a new year. Last year, our lives were on pause because of the pandemic but this year, we are still in a pandemic, but we are adjusting our lives to it now. So do I have goals I want to achieve this year? The answer to that is YES and I’m going to be highlighting them below!

1. Become Consistent again with publishing blog posts

During my first year of blogging, one thing I was always commended on, is my consistency. I always got questions about how I was able to do school work and still publish blog posts regularly (used to be twice in a week) and I always got so happy when I saw questions and praises like that and it always gave me the boost I needed to put out more posts but school has been kicking me right where it hurts. you guys. I don’t know who lied to me earlier, but school does NOT get easier, especially in Nigeria. The school system in Nigeria is designed to frustrate you. This year I want become more consistent because you deserve it. I will be publishing more blog posts every week. As for when during the week, I’m not sure yet.

2. Take my writing career seriously and reach out for more writing jobs

It has gotten to the point where people (mostly strangers) need to shout in my ear that I am actually good at this writing thing. It feels good to hear but self doubt always creeps in, but this year, I want to work on that. This is the year I finally defeat imposter syndrome and get that bag. I am open to freelance writing for online publications, blogs and company/brand websites. Do you need any type of online writing content? I am your girl! Content writing, editing, blogging, copywriting, I offer those services and more (it will be relayed later on). I am also interested in writing for magazines, home and abroad (freelance and remote). So please, tell your friends to tell their friends and acquaintances that I am now available for work!

3. Make more writer friends and mentors

Like they say, “no man is an island”. The writing community is one of the most beautiful communities to be a part of and this year, I am going to wiggle and finesse my way in. Having writer friends enables me to be able to share my struggles and seek advice from. Mentors also guide me on what to do and what not to do and I’m excited about that.

4. Figure out my real interest and passions

“What do you like?” Is a question I’ve always dreaded, and that is because I do not know what I like. Last year, I lost interest in a couple of things and my life just became very boring LOL. This year, I am going to try more new things out and figure out what I like and enjoy.

5. Let go of people and finally be happy

Do you know one thing that’s unhealthy? Holding on to people that you shouldn’t. This is something that I’ve been struggling with and I don’t know how to go about it. This year, I want to finally gather the courage to let go and find my true happiness because, in all, my happiness and peace of mind is paramount.

So, that’s it! 5 things that I want to achieve this year. I am terrible with goals, but these, I MUST achieve them. So help me God.

I wish you all a great year and remember to enjoy life to the fullest.

Hashtag for the year: #Jaiye21

Do you have any goals for the year? Do you mind sharing?

How do you intend to achieve those goals?

What’s something you struggled with last year?

What type of content do you want to see from me this year?

Let me know down in the comment section!

32 thoughts on “Hello 2021|| 5 Things I Want To Achieve This Year

  1. Nice write up. resolutions made in a new year are not easy to keep nevertheless I made mine. Well most of the goals are from last year because we didn’t achieve much. 5 things I’ll like to achieve for now is…
    1. Get a job and save up
    2. Be more consist in blogging
    3. Take my artwork seriously
    4. Be happy and take a break when I need to.
    5.Take my guitar practice seriously


  2. Thanks for sharing this. I’m just living everyday like it’s my last. I don’t want to start with writing or having a new year resolution I know I won’t keep it follow.

    Please follow my blog too


  3. Is it too late to wish you a happy new year? (No)
    Happy new year. Love your blog.
    Would love us to be blog buddies. What do you think?


  4. Happy new year to you
    Well I’ll like to leave my comfort zone for one
    Make new friends
    Get into the writing community
    Stay happy


  5. Happy new year, Tanto. Nice goals you’ve got, hopefully you’ll put in the work to achieve. Personally, I don’t have any stand-out goals this year except probably to stay sober as long as I can and get my cryptocurrency stash to seven figures (it’s almost there though so a lil nudge). Wishing you a wonderful year.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 1. Omo goal na to make money this year
    2. Working hard
    3. Funds
    4. Every content wey enter your head, we go read cause everything you dey write nice

    Liked by 1 person

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