Life Update: November 2020

I’ve never done a life update post before but with all what has been happening and me going totally MIA for the whole month of October, I believe this post is quite necessary now.

I’ll like to apologize for ghosting and not publishing any blog posts for the whole of October but if you follow my Instagram, you would have seen the notice I put up on my story (now on a story highlight. Soon to be removed) saying that I was going on a brief break till further notice. Well, I’m off the break and I’m excited to be back. On that note, HAPPY NEW MONTH!

I’ve Been…


A lot of books on Apple Books. I got some new arrivals that I’m excited to read. Check out my highlight on Instagram where I share my current reads and reviews. I’ve also been reading a lot of Vogue articles as I’ve gained an interest in fashion journalism.


A lot of YouTube videos! I recently discovered a YouTuber Derin Adetosoye. She shares really helpful University content. She’s done with University now so her content is now based on lifestyle things and it’s amazing! You should check her out. Also check out my favorite YouTube channel Babygirltos I’ve also just concluded watching this really amazing K-drama Netflix series called “It’s Okay Not to be Okay”. If you’re a K-drama lover, you should definitely check it out.


Nothing lol. I actually have a couple of projects I’ve been working on that I’ve previously refused to talk about on this blog because it was supposed to be a surprise when it’s finally out, but that’s going to take a bit longer. I’m still in the process of trying to figure that out and I’ll probably have another blog post out in the future which I will talk about it more extensively. In other news, I recently wrote a story for my younger sister’s English assignment. I published the story last Sunday so make sure to check that out!

Listening to:

The Made in Lagos album by Wizkid! And also some pretty amazing songs. November Playlist coming soon!


Noodles and rice. A lot of noodles and rice. It’s probably so unhealthy now but it’s just my go-to food ‘cause I really don’t enjoy cooking.


Myself and my passions. I’ve always been the type to overthink a lot of things so the topic of my overthinking lately has been my passions and career choices. An extensive blog post will be published about this later on, so, anticipate that.


Against bad governance and police brutality in Nigeria. A lot has been happening lately in Nigeria as we’ve been pushing the End SARS movement. It’s been a lot and it’s taken a toll on me to be honest but we are far from over. I’ll be leaving some links below to some articles and posts which will educate you more about what is happening all over Nigeria and how you can help.

Bonus Update: I GOT A JOB! for a week …lol

Yes, you read that right, a week. I got a job as a content developer and manager for a media company (and also a real estate company) in Lagos, Nigeria. It was actually quite sudden ‘cause I wasn’t actively looking for a job. I didn’t even NEED a job. I only took it based on vibes LOL. But i realized that it was a bit helpful and it aided me in my deep self-search for what I really want to do with my life and career in the future. Although it was only for a week, I did gain a lot of experience and I met some pretty cool people, Bad Boy Timz included. I even almost interviewed him (but I had to leave ‘cause it was getting pretty late. Tears).

Now I know that I am actually interested in pursuing a little bit of in-house content management in the future which will aid in my end goal of being a successful Public Relations expert. As to why I quit after just one week, it’s a long story but please my fellow creatives, do more research on things like appropriate salary earnings before starting a job.

That’s it! As you might have picked up, I have a lot of content ideas bouncing around in my head, I’m so excited and I can’t wait to share them with you so get ready. I’m wishing a blessed month ahead.

Thank you so much for reading!

Articles and posts regarding the End SARS protests and movement:



Washington Post:


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