Welcome to Cup of Tee

I have always loved writing. Started from silly fan fiction with a friend of mine. I showed my friends and they actually said i’m pretty good at it.

So i started writing. I wrote in my little schools books. I have always had what i like to call “musical phases” at different points in my life.

Started from being obsessed with One direction to 5 seconds of summer. Even had a punk rock phase and a Viners/YouTubers phase (not musical but it was still a phase). Oh and let’s not forget my K-pop phase. Then a “recently concluded” phase, i was obsessed with UK grime music.

These different phases widened my imaginations across different cultures. I had a story for each phase LOL.

Four years of writing short stories for personal use, through the encouragement of friends and family, I finally decided to start a blog!

Four years ago I never would have imagined that I would be starting a blog of my own. I have always been a bit hesitant to showcase my work. Being terribly shy, my only way of expression is through writing.

Hopefully, someday I would publish a book of my own.

Cup of Tee is a platform for me to share my personal thoughts and experiences and also short stories written by me, guest writers and could also be sponsored posts.

For contributions, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below and don’t forget to follow the social media account(s) provided to get updates and for personal interaction.

Thank you for reading!

15 thoughts on “Welcome to Cup of Tee

  1. 😭😭😭😭 and many gals would be Out there looking for Benz , Nd dis bag of talent is here in this tin tomatoes container country Nigeria …. I will get two Jobs because of u u will need to leave this milo container country ASAP

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